Access Keys:

St. Colmcille's Primary School & Nursery Unit, Claudy, Co. Derry

Helpful links

Here are a list of telephone numbers, websites and apps that can be of help to teenagers and adults in the community.

Who can help? What do they do? What topics can they help with? How can they be contacted?
INSPIRE Students INSPIRE provide expert advice on how to help and support pupils/ students. Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs, Money, Exams, Relationships, Identity 028 9032 8474
Lifeline Crisis response line for people in stress or despair Depression, Mental Health, Suicidal thoughts 0808 800 8000
Childline Childline will provide support and guidance on multiple topics including: Bullying, You and your body, Home and Family Relationships  0800 1111
The MIX Crisis messenger text service Alcohol, Homelessness, Suicidal thoughts, General advice, Mental health  0808 808 4994
NSPCC Advice on child protection issues and somewhere to report concerns Child abuse, Child protection 0808 800 5000
Aware Aware are a mental health charity working exclusively for those with depression and mental health concerns Depression, Bipolar disorder 0845 1202961
Frank Confidential advice on drugs Alcohol, Drugs 0300 123 6600
SIMON Community Support for individuals and families who are at risk of becoming homeless Homelessness, Housing 0800 171 2222
Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline Advice for anyone affected by domestic and sexual violence Domestic violence, Sexual violence 0808 021414
Women’s Aid Specialist services for women, children and young people who have experienced domestic and sexual violence. Domestic violence, Sexual violence Relationships 0808 802 1414

Useful links to organisations and charities that can offer support

childline ChildLine This helpline allows children to call their organisation and seek advice on a range of issues they may be affected by.
Barnardos Barnardo's Barnardo’s provide a range of services to young people, and their families, all over the country. They work with organisations, and professionals, to help build the very best life for all children.
Aware NI Aware NI Aware NI provides support, for a range of mental health conditions, in the form of support groups, online support, counselling, phone lines, general advice.
young minds 2 Young Minds This organisation provides young people with support on issues such as depression.
help guide Help with Depression This is a teenager’s guide to depression. This website provides tips and tools for helping yourself or a friend.
lifeline Lifeline Lifeline is the NI crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. This service assists people of all ages throughout the north.
camhs CAMHS CAMHS can be accessed via your GP. This service provides extra specialist support for a child’s emotional wellbeing.
familysupportnilogo Family Support NI The Family Support website aims to be a comprehensive database of all family support and childcare services in Northern Ireland.
Parenting NI LOGO Parenting NI Parenting NI is a Parents Advice Centre, provides free support for parents across Northern Ireland. Parenting NI is committed to supporting all parents and ensuring that their voices are heard whenever decisions are made that will affect them.
Minding your head logo Minding Your Head A new mental health campaign called 'Helping others' has been launched by the Public Health Agency in partnership with NIAMH. Asking, listening and talking to someone with a mental health problem can start them on the road to recovery. Just a few words can make a massive difference.
Samaritans Samaritans The Samaritans are here round the clock, every single day of the year. We support anyone who needs us. We know our services can help people before it's too late.
PIPS PIPS PIPS charity is here to provide support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives. PIPS also provides support to those families and friends who have been touched by suicide.
action for children Action for Children We help children to fufil their full potential by providing services to support their individual needs. We succeed in helping children and young people to overcome difficulties at an early stage to tackle problems before it is too late.
lighthouse-belfast-logo Lighthouse Provides accessible support services to people who are directly affected by suicide and self-harm.
Bridgeofhope Bridge of Hope Bridge of Hope offers a range of services to support people experiencing stress, trauma or anxiety
Daisy_white DAISY The Drug and Alcohol Intervention Service for Young People (DAISY) provides person-centred programmes for young people and young adults to help reduce the harm caused by their substance misuse.
uk-safer-internet-centre-logo UK Safer Internet Centre UK Safer Internet Centre is a partnership of three leading charities with a mission to make the internet a better place for children and young people.
Image result for western health trust Western Health & Social Care Trust

If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person contact the Gateway Service

Tel: 0300100300

Additional Resources

Image Organisation Text Link
every mind matters Every Mind Matters This is a NHS online quiz that asks you 5 specific questions and then based on answers provides a step-by-step plan that advises how to improve emotional well-being
ZeroSuicide-logo-square Zero Suicide Alliance Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaboration of NHS stakeholders committed to suicide prevention. They help raise awareness and provide free online training which allows people to identify, support and empower anyone who is at risk.


Image Organisation Text Link
YoungMinds YoungMinds If you think you might have depression, you're not alone. Find out more about this common, treatable condition and what to do if you're affected by it.
HG Logo Help Guide Teenager's Guide to Depression - Tips and Tools for helping yourself or a friend.

Anxiety Issues

Image Organisation Text Link
Anxiety Canada Anxiety Canada Youth Anxiety Canada promotes awareness of anxiety disorders and provides access to a range of proven resources to help students be pro-active about their own well-being
mind logo dark Mind for Better Mental Health Explains anxiety and panic attacks, including possible causes and how you can access treatment and support. Includes tips for helping yourself, and guidance for friends and family.

Useful Apps for your mobile device

Image Organisation Text Apple App Store Google Play Store
Mindful Gnats Mindful Gnats An app to help young people develop mindfulness and relaxation skills Click here to open in the  App Store Click here to open in the Google Play Store
Mindshift logo MindShift Offers strategies to manage worry, panic, conflict, ordinary anxiety, and three specialised categories of anxiety: test anxiety, social anxiety, and perfectionism. Click here to open in the  App Store Click here to open in the Google Play Store
Headspace logo Headspace Headspace is a unique app committed to advancing the field of mindfulness meditation through clinically-validated research. Click here to open in the  App Store Click here to open in the Google Play Store
Rise Up + Recover app logo Rise Up + Recover If you are struggling with food, dieting, exercise and body image - this app might be useful to you. Based off self-monitoring homework, a conerstone of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), it is a simple and convenient app that has been used millions of times around the world. Click here to open in the  App Store Click here to open in the Google Play Store
SuperBetter app logo SuperBetter Playing SuperBetter helps build personal resilience: the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic in the face of difficult challenges. Resilience has a powerful effect on health - by boosting physical and emotional well-being. Click here to open in the  App Store Click here to open in the Google Play Store